Saturday, April 23, 2011

Coming soon..

Books I am looking forward to reading in the coming summer vacations :

Love in the Time of Cholera - Marquez
Luka and the Fire of Life - Rushdie
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - ???
Through the Looking Glasses and What Alice Found There - Caroll

And most importantly, The LOTR collection.

Books I am currently reading :

Communication Systems - Haykins
Computer Organization - Hamacher
Algorithms - CLRS
Formal Languages, Machines and Automata - Ullman et al

HAHA...Yes, its end sem time.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

One Hundred Years of Solitude

This book which I bought by sheer luck because the store did not have Luka and The Fire of Life by Rushdie was one very awesome read. Especially for a solitary loving person like me (which I realized more after reading this book), this book which never made me happy or sad but ventured me into a magical yet realistic land where the strong personalities of people could convolute the world around them to unimaginable effects.

Marquez, the pioneer of magical-realism and Rushdie's biggest idol, has exceptional writing skills who never for a moment made things boring in OHYS. Starting at an ultra fast pace and describing the emergence of science and magic in the serene city of Maconda, the book goes on chronicling the lives of the Buendias from the founding of the city to the end of the family trail. Smudged by war, jealousy, love and solitude, the tale of this exceptional family is something that will be revered by every philospher.

The most beautiful aspect in the book was that the characters which seem of less importance actually have a major influence on the future of events. And the cyclical nature of things is also a great manifestation by the genius of Marquez.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I am a beginning...


This is my book blog. I will write books //slash cut// blogs about the novels, short stories, comics,etc that I am hoping to read in the near future which I hope won't hinder me from doing so. Expect uncredited para phrases and plagiarism and copyright rape here too. It wouldn't be terrible to expect anything else too but I have kept my fingers crossed.

By the way, you might have noticed some senseless wordplay in the address of the blog but also wished if you had a blog address as cool as this. Ha. And if you are wondering what the title of the blog means then there is a void in your life.

PS: I am a Salman Rushdie fan and just recently read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
PPS: See I give novel explanations. Pun intended.